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Client Story

Ren + Bos Company

Ryan Watson | CEO | Texas, USA

The Beginnings | In Ryan's Words

I'd reached out to Michael to help us find a solution to a gap that we had in our fulfillment process.

The Reality | In Our Words

What Ryan wanted to do, had never been done before. There were many moving parts that needed to be considered. Since the company was fairly new, there were no real systems in place to start with. We had to go to the drawing board and invent a solutions to guarantee Ren+Bos’ success.

The Plan | In Our Words

After much assessing and planning, we were able to successfully design and implement a process that helped Ren+Bos achieve its mission. Using our powerful frameworks and methods, we were able to create a process that was custom-tailored to Ren+Bos's unique requirements.

The Result | In Ryan’s Words

From the moment that Michael and I sat down I found out that he wasn't there just to help me find that one solution, he was there to help me with my business from A to Z. He became a consultative partner from the moment we sat down together, he started asking questions that no other partner had asked up until that point, he became invaluable to me from that day forward.

The Transformation | In Ryan’s Words

I got a business that worked for me instead of me working for my business.

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